For safety, economy, efficiency, and effectiveness, we recommend using PEI’s formulated products – Aethereo®Sticks, Massage Oils, Bath Salts, and Multi-Purpose Sprays.
For Topical Application – Use formulated PEI Massage Oils (2% dilution in FCO). Do not use undiluted essential oils on the skin.
For Inhalation – PEI Aethereo®Stick Inhalers or Spray
For Bath, Hand or Foot Soak – Use formulated PEI Rain Bath Mineral Salts.
– Essential oils complement conventional and alternative medicine. Always seek medical advice for serious health conditions. “Natural” does not mean harmless.
– Consider diffusion and inhalation as the most safe, efficient, and economical ways to enjoy essential oils and essential oil blends.
– Essential oils should always be diluted before applying to skin. Use vegetable or nut oils, gels, lotions, butters, salves or other herbal ingredients.
– Use only pure essential oils or blends from a reputable source; avoid synthetic and fragrance oils.
– For external and aromatic use only.
– Do not take essential oils orally.
– Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children.
– Use lower concentrations with children, women in pregnancy, and the elderly
– Consult a qualified professional regarding questions involving children, pets, pregnancy, medical conditions, and medications.
– The use of essential oils should not be viewed as a substitute for professional care. If any health problem arises, seek medical advice.
– Test for sensitivities. Discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur, such as skin reddening, dry skin, or itchiness.
– Store essential oils and blends safely, in a cool, dark place, bottles upright and securely capped.
FOR TOPICAL USE: Single oils or blends can be added in dilution to carrier oils for massage, reflexology, added to body lotions and oils, and for use in compresses.
FOR INHALATION: From inhalers, cotton balls, or tissues. Use in vaporizers, diffusers, steam tents, or sprays. Inhalation is most commonly used for mood and emotional support, and respiratory symptoms.
FOR BATHS: Always mix with salts or emulsifiers (milk, bath gel) before adding to bath water.
SUGGESTED LEVELS OF USE FOR ESSENTIAL OILS AND ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS: In a diffuser add 5 to 10 drops; for massage dilute 2% essential oil in a quality carrier oil; for bath salts add 1% essential oil into the salts and mix thoroughly.